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FMS Moves to the Newly Renovated Barnum Hall

Updated: Jul 12, 2023

In August 2019, Tufts Film and Media Studies moved into our new home in the recently renovated Barnum Hall. The new location is a grand expansion for FMS and will include an upgraded equipment room, filmmaking studios, a computer lab for students, a renovated Barnum 008 cinema with state-of-the-art projection equipment, and new offices for faculty and staff. The new facilities were expected to be completed by the spring semester, but were delayed to Covid-19 building closures. As of spring 2020, final installation of the new equipment is pending. However, the vision of the new space being a warm and welcoming home base for FMS students had already begun throughout the fall and early-spring semesters. We are looking forward to getting back to our new spaces with our students soon!

Tufts Now published and article detailing the construction of the new building. Read about it here.

Photo: Elonso Nichols

“We couldn’t be more thrilled by our new footprint in Barnum,” said Malcolm Turvey, director of the program. “For the first time in the history of Tufts, our filmmaking faculty and students will have a studio designed specifically for filmmaking along with a state-of-the-art editing lab and finishing studios for sound,” he said. “Meanwhile, Barnum auditorium [008] will have the best projection facilities on campus, allowing us to screen movies to a large audience.” The new spaces and facilities, which will come online in spring 2020, “will enable us to deliver a first-rate education to our students and will provide a home for them on campus.”

New FMS Barnum computer lab!

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